
Vol.20  Issue JANUARY 2020

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21.12.2019 Tags : #paris #pfw #hautecouture #fashion #fashionweek #catwalk #style #trend #model #apparel #designer #xuan #tonyward #lametamorphose

Impressions Haute Couture F/W 2019/20 Part 3

Xuan / Tony Ward / La Metamorphose






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Xuan Autumn-Winter 2019/20















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Tony Ward






Tony Ward



Tony Ward



Tony Ward



Tony Ward F/W 2019



Tony Ward



Tony Ward



Tony Ward






 Fashionfreak ! The Fashion People Site

La Metamorphose






La Metamorphose



La Metamorphose



La Metamorphose



La Metamorphose F/W 2019

Emphasizing the body, embrassing the silhouette, revealing the sensuality of a fulfilled and confident woman, but dual, with a mysterious personality… Deep, sequined black, veils, a soft ivory and gold on the wings of an angel...and a rouge amour.



La Metamorphose



La Metamorphose



La Metamorphose






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21.12.2019 Tags : #paris #pfw #hautecouture #fashion #fashionweek #catwalk #style #trend #model #apparel #designer #schedule #springsummer2020

Schedule Haute Couture S/S 2020

Schedule (Final Update 09.01.20/17:00)
Because of the strikes public transportation at Paris,
PFW HC will not be covered!






Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week 20.-23.January



10.00 Schiaparelli / 11.00 Ulyana Sergeenko / 11.30 Tony Ward /
12.00 Iris Van Herpen / 13.00 Georges Hobeika / 14.30 Christian Dior /
16.00 Maison Rabih Kayrouz / 17.00 Ralph&Russo / 18.00 Antonio Grimaldi /
19.30 Giambattista Valli / 20.30 Azzaro Couture/

Presentations :



10.00 Chanel / 12.00 Chanel / 13.00 ALEEM YUSUF /
13.30 Alexis Mabille / 14.30 Stéphane Rolland / 15.30 Julien Fournie /
16.30 Alexandre Vauthier / 17.15 LA METAMORPHOSE / 18.00 RVDK RONALD VAN DER KEMP /
19.00 Giorgio Armani Privé / 20.00 Givenchy /

Presentations :



10.00 Maison Margiela / 11.00 Franck Sorbier / 11.45 ZIAD NAKAD /
12.30 Elie Saab / 13.30 Bouchra Jarrar / 14.30 JULIE DE LIBRAN /
15:30 MARIA ARISTIDOU / 16.00 Viktor & Rolf / 17.00 Zuhair Murad /
18.00 Valentino / 19.00 Guo Pei / 20.00 ADELINE ZILIOX /
20.30 Jean Paul Gaultier /

Presentations :
19.00 - 21:00 MAURICE LACROIX



10.00 Aganovich / 12.00 YUIMA NAKAZATO /
13.00 Aelis / 14.00 Rahul Mishra / 15.00 Christophe Josse /
16.00 Xuan / 17.00 Imane Ayissi/

Presentations :






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21.12.2019 Tags : #frankfurt #messefrankfurt #tradefair #apparel #fashion #designer #germansustainconcept #modelabel #bikiniberlin #neonyt #ethicalfashionshowberlin #greenshowroom #fashionsustain #textilbranche

NEONYT: Next on your Agenda – das Programm der Neonyt







Inspirierendes Programm im Flughafen Tempelhof – vom 14. bis 16. Januar 2020 zeigt die Neonyt während der Berlin Fashion Week, was im kommenden Jahr die Branche bewegen wird. Mit fast 200 ausstellenden Fair-Fashion-Labels, mehr als 50 Talks, Panels und Gesprächen auf zwei Bühnen sowie weiteren Eventformaten beweist der Hub für Mode, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation einmal mehr seine globale Ausnahmestellung. Mit dabei: ein Querschnitt der konsequent nach vorne blickenden Fashionplayer – von Armedangels und H&M über ISKO und die Katag AG bis hin zu Mey, Nudie Jeans und den United Nations sowie Partner wie Hessnatur, republica und Textile Exchange.

Change is in the air –"Luft" ist das thematische Leitmotiv der Messe- und Kommunikationsplattform Neonyt für das Jahr 2020. Zum Auftakt der von der Messe Frankfurt während der Berlin Fashion Week veranstalteten Neonyt berichtet Dr. Daniel Terberger, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Katag AG, am Dienstag, den 14. Januar 2020 um 13 Uhr auf der Fashionsustain Stage vom Nachhaltigkeitsverständnis des größten deutschen Fashiondienstleisters. Kurz darauf eröffnet um 13.45 Uhr das Panel "SDGs X Fashion – The UN’s Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action" den Diskussionsteil der Konferenz. Unter anderem mit: Lucie Brigham, Chief of Office für das United Nations Office for Partnerships, Zachary Angelini, Environmental Stewardship Manager bei Timberland, Alexander Gege, Manager Sustainable Business Development bei der Otto Group, und Harold Weghorst, Global Vice President Marketing der Lenzing AG.

Ab 17.00 Uhr wird im Panel "Defining Sustainability – Looking Back from a Future Now" die große Frage nach den wichtigsten Zielwerten und Hebeln für nachhaltige Entwicklung gestellt und unter anderem von Anosha Wahidi, Referatsleiterin im Bundeministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und wesentlich an der Konzeption des Grünen Knopfs beteiligt, Kate Heiny, Director Corporate Responsibility von Zalando, Malin Viola Wennberg, Communications Manager beim schwedischen Thinktank Mistra Future Fashion, und Rebecca Freitag, UN Youth Ambassador, diskutiert.

Am Mittwoch, den 15. Januar 2020 widmet sich das Panel "Denim Collaborations – How to Build a Real Value Chain?" in Kollaboration mit Textile Exchange ab 12 Uhr dem einflussreichen Industriezweig Denim und fragt, wie Wertschöpfung und Wertschätzung einhergehen können unter anderem mit: Ebru Ozkucuk Guler, Senior Sustainability & CSR Executive von ISKO, Lavinia Muth, Corporate Responsibility Manager von Armedangels, und Patrick Wendt, Sales und Marketing Manager von Jeanologia. Um 14.15 Uhr findet mit dem Panel "Virtually Fashionable – and Sustainable?" der Kick off für die Digitalkonferenz re:publica Berlin 2020 statt und setzt Denkanstöße und innovative Impulse. Es diskutieren u.a. Lena Blume, Client Engagement Manager Europe von Browzwear, Stacia Carr, Director of Engineering - Dedicated Owner Sizing bei Zalando, Pierre-Nicolas Hurstel, CEO und Co-Founder von Arianee, und Dr. Andreas Seidl, CEO der Human Solutions Gruppe.

Breathe in, breathe out – Retail-relevante Themen am 14. Januar im Fashionsustain Forum
Zum zweiten Mal bringt die Neonyt unter einem speziellen Retail-Fokus richtungsweisende Handelsakteure im Fashionsustain Forum zusammen. In intimerer Atmosphäre werden in vier moderierten Expertenpanels drängende Fragen lösungsorientiert und offen diskutiert; professionelle, systemfähige Ansätze werden präsentiert und hinterfragt. Capsule vs. Holistic, Retail vs. e-Tail, Sharing Economy und Good Corporate – das sind die vier Themen, die näher beleuchten wie Changeprozesse in das Business des Handels integriert werden können. Am Dienstag, den 14. Januar von 14.30 Uhr bis 18 Uhr diskutieren unter anderem Jakob Dworsky, Co-Founder Asket, Sara Eriksson, Sustainable & Circular Business Development der H&M Group, Prof. Dr. Joachim Hasebrook, Lehrstuhl Human Capital Management an der Steinbeis- Hochschule Berlin, Nelly Hemmann, Head of Communications der Galeries Lafayette, Martin Höfeler, CEO von Armedangels, Sandya Lang, Sustainability Manager von Nudie Jeans, Florian Mey, Geschäftsführer der Mey GmbH & Co. KG, Sven-Oliver Pink, Co- Founder Fond Of, Sabinna Rachimova, Founder und Director von Sabinna Studios, Dr. Daniel Terberger, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Katag AG und Jan Wilmking.

Fresh Air. Ein Briefing und vier Masterclasses.
Am Mittwoch, den 15. Januar 2020 verwandelt sich das Forum in einen Ort des besonders intensiven Austausches – von 13 bis 14 Uhr wird in fünf parallelen Briefings, Sessions und Gesprächsrunden hochaktueller und relevanter Inhalt konzentriert aufbereitet. Standardgeber, NGOs und Zertifizierer gewähren Einblicke in ihre aktuellen Entwicklungen, Best- Practice aus Handel und Industrie zeigen konkrete Anwendungsbeispiele. So wird die Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC) mit dem Briefing "HIGG Index for Retail" einen ersten Einblick in das Thema geben. Die stellt in der Masterclass "circularity.ID - The Open Standard for Data-driven Circularity in Fashion" erstmalig den neuen Standard circularity.ID öffentlich vor. Weitere Sessions werden beispielsweise von Vertretern von Climate Partner sowie des Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) geleitet.

Prepeek: Influencer, Blogger & Airwalker
Das Erfolgsformat Prepeek geht in seine nächste Runde: An allen drei Messetagen können Looks – zusammengestellt aus den nachhaltigen Kollektionen der Aussteller – in einem speziellen Areal professionell gestylt und geshootet werden. Talks rund um den Themenkomplex Influencer, Social Media und Trends sowie interaktive Events stellen sicher, dass Sendungsbewusstsein und Aufnahmebereitschaft sich die Waage halten. Im Mittelpunkt der Prepeek Talks stehen Themen wie Nachhaltigkeit aus Konsumentenperspektive und der Aspekt der Achtsamkeit - Nudie Jeans bietet einen Repair Service an, das vegane Studio Herr Fuchs und Frau Bär machen Tattoos und OGNX lädt zu Yoga Sessions ein.

Tasting the future clean air.
Fokus Funktion: Die Neonyt Fashion Show interpretiert High Fashion in einem Mix mit Performance-versierten Innovationsmaterialien hochästhetisch kontemporär und disruptiv. Der offizielle Runway der Berlin Fashion Week im Kraftwerk ist am Dienstag, dem 14. Januar 2020 um 18 Uhr Ort der vielbesprochenen Editorial Show. "Back to nature – High Street Fashion meets Outdoor" unter diesem Motto hat die renommierte Stylistin Claudia Hoffmann durchdachte Multi-Label-Looks zusammengestellt. Ein Maximum an universaler Performance – ein Minimum an negativem Impact, so sieht die Zukunft aus.

"Gemeinsam Mode verändern. Das ist unsere Vision. Durch Kollaboration und Innovation, Nachhaltigkeit und Technologie. Unser Anspruch ist klar umrissen – wir sind die Leitveranstaltung, der Katalysator und Moderator für die momentan die Mode- und Textilbranche verändernden Nachhaltigkeitsthemen", sagt Thimo Schwenzfeier, Show Director der Neonyt. "Unser Hub-Konzept vereint Business, Inspiration, Knowledge, Fun und Community im Hangar 4 des stillgelegten Flughafen Tempelhof. Der Hub besteht aus Neonyt Trade Fair, der multidisziplinären Konferenz Fashionsustain, der editorialen Neonyt Fashion Show, Showcases, dem Influencer- und Bloggerformat Prepeek, Networkingevents und der Neonyt Party. Entsprechend breit und divers wird im Januar das Themenspektrum", so Schwenzfeier weiter.

Neonyt Showcases bieten an allen Messetagen auf der Galerie der Haupthalle des Flughafen Tempelhof eine Anlaufstelle für Fachbesucher und Journalisten, um tiefer in die Materie einzusteigen. Vor dem Konferenzeingang der Fashionsustain geben Infostände, Lounges und Präsenzflächen vielfältigen Themen Raum: So präsentieren die United Nations die Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) im Kontext der Conscious Fashion Campaign, ISKO Denim zeigt, wie die nachhaltige Jeansproduktion der Zukunft aussieht, Staiy einen KI-Onlineshop und der Dachverband des deutschen Maschinen- und Anlagenbaus VDMA lädt ein, sich über Nachhaltigkeit in der Textilen Wertschöpfungskette zu unterhalten.
Be part of it!






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23.12.2019 Tags : #ungaro #apparel #fashion #designer #fhcm #hautecouture #pretaporter #death

Death of Emanuel Ungaro (1933-2019)







La Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode rend hommage à Emanuel Ungaro au lendemain de sa disparition. Après avoir œuvré aux côtés de Cristobal Balenciaga, il marqua la Haute Couture par son grand talent. La Maison qu’il créa en 1965 fut couronnée de succès. Il développa son prêt-àporter avec la même énergie et le même souci d’articuler en permanence création et savoir-faire. Il était une personnalité généreuse et engagée.

The Fédération de la Haute Couture et de la Mode pays tribute to Emmanuel Ungaro after his passing away. After having worked next to Christobal Balenciaga, he marked Haute Couture with his great talent. The House he created in 1965 has been very successful. He developed his ready-to-wear with the same energy and the same spirit of permanently combining creativity and savoir-faire. He was a committed and generous personality.






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14.01.2020 Tags : #apparel #fashion #designer #paris #apparelsourcing #avantex #leatherworld #denim #shawlsandscarves #texworld
Text:Messe Ffm

The Fairyland for Fashion:
strategic hub for the fashion industries







Messe Frankfurt France is expecting you at Le Bourget Exhibition Centre from 10 to 13 February 2020 for this new session of The Fairyland For Fashion. Six major trade fairs are grouped under this banner thanks to Messe Frankfurt France. They are dedicated to fabrics and materials, to garment production, textile innovation, clothing and accessories.

Constituting a key event on the fashion calendar, the six shows that go to make up The Fairyland for Fashion – Apparel Sourcing Paris, Avantex Paris, Leatherworld Paris, Shawls&Scarves Paris, Texworld Paris et Texworld Denim Paris – showcase in one central place the essentials for global sourcing for fashion labels, from ready-to-wear to luxury items. They provide unique insights about what the future holds for the textile and clothing sectors.

"By monitoring the market so closely over the years, Messe Frankfurt France is in a position to develop a highly effective ecosystem that is dedicated to the fashion industries, where prime contractors can meet up and where the expertise of manufacturers and artisan skills from all over the world is there to discover. It has always been my goal to provide our visitors with much more than textile exhibitions. In other words, to do our utmost to promote business of course and to track down products seldom to be found elsewhere, but also to provide a space for inspiration and expression thanks to our ongoing work on trends and special events. These are what lend our events an extra creative dimension and increase the volume of business for our ever-growing number of visitors," declares Michael Scherpe, President of Messe Frankfurt France.

The Fairyland for Fashion in a nutshell:
- Four days offering a wealth of opportunities and discoveries from among a thousand exhibitors from thirty countries, who have their rightful place at the six shows organised in Paris - Le Bourget by Messe Frankfurt France.
- An unmissable rendez-vous on the calendar for trade buyers, who come from all over the globe to see and touch the fabric collections, form an opinion of manufacturing skills, identify new potential for sourcing, discover the latest innovations and trends, absorb information and share experiences and strategies.
- One of Messe Frankfurt Franceassets is demonstrated by the diverse range of lectures and round-table discussions relating to the latest industry news, alongside a series of catwalk shows and spotlights on Trends. This programme has been designed specially by Messe Frankfurt France and supplements the specific circuits for materials and clothing production "Small Quantities", "Sustainable Sourcing" and "Artisan".

The Fairyland for Fashion represents a unique location where visitors can make contact with the main international suppliers for fabrics (cotton, denim, silk, linen and hemp, wool, leather and related materials, synthetic fibres, suiting, embroidery and lace, jacquard, plain or printed fabrics, etc.), finished clothing products, trimmings, services and accessories. An ideal place to meet up and work on future projects involving the selection of materials, issues relating to clothing production or innovations for the buyers from ready-to-wear labels, high fashion design houses or accessory brands.

Apparel Sourcing Paris will open its doors for the eighteenth edition this February. As the prime trade fair in Europe for sourcing of clothing, this time around Apparel Sourcing Paris will be host to about 400 exhibitors, who come from some fifteen countries, signalling a slight increase. Large numbers of Indian businesses will be exhibiting, with attendance by some twenty exhibitors supported by the main trade organisations for promoting Indian textile products. Egypt will also be there, as well as Ethiopia, which is a loyal exhibitor. Vietnam has chosen the show to demonstrate its myriad skills when it comes to clothing production. And lastly, make a note of Mongolia’s national pavilion which will expand the offer for designs in wool. The new segmentation of exhibition space introduced successfully in September will be repeated for this winter’s show. This decision to clearly designate the ranges for fashion clothing into eight areas of expertise (All about her, Fashion Accessories, Intimate, Kids, Knitted, Service, Sport & Leisure and Tailored) has unquestionably simplified the task for visitors by making the exhibition even more visitor-friendly, when it comes to searching for products and services for fashion labels. We observe that the Knitted and Tailored ranges should be particularly well represented this season.

Avantex Paris is the most important international trade fair dedicated to innovative technologies and sustainable development for the benefit of the fashion industries. The February show will assemble twenty of the most innovative projects for fabrics, materials and components, which provide a unique and practical view of what tomorrow’s fashion holds in store. Avantex Paris is pursuing its goal of deciphering the trends, shining a particular spotlight on the retail sector and focussing on the technologies and concepts that will be behind the shops of the future. Along the same lines as the “phygital” experience, in a physical shop with the benefits of digital, there is Thunderstone, the start-up from Lyon. There are also the extensive possibilities offered by Smartpixel when it comes to merchandising display and personalisation. Special events and a series of lectures on this subject at the Avantex agora will allow this potential to be explored in greater depth.

Leatherworld Paris, the trade fair for flexible materials, natural animal-based materials, artificial or synthetic materials, will assemble some thirty exhibitors in February, who specialise in this segment and who come from ten different countries. The offer at the show is more specifically targeted at sectors such as leather goods, footwear, gloves, and articles made of skin or fur. Buyers will find a wide selection of fashion items and accessories in this sector consisting of related materials, alternatives and conventional animal-based raw materials. Leatherworld Paris will expand on this by hosting some new players, in particular those coming from China, India and Turkey.

Shawls&Scarves Paris is the only show showcasing key products from ranges offered by international manufacturers of scarves, wraps, shawls, headscarves, stoles, capes and ponchos. Some fifty exhibitors, specialist producers of accessories and textile items for the upper body, will once again present an unrivalled offer in Paris, with an extremely broad variety of forms and materials (cashmere, wool, silk, cotton, linen, bamboo etc.). Indian silk experts, supported by the Indian Silk Export Promotion Council (ISEPC), will represent one of the highlights at the exhibition. Also to be noted this year is the conspicuous development towards interdisciplinarity, with some adjustment of the balance between actual products for “heads and shoulders” and accessories like kaftans or sarongs and possibly some new uses for these textiles.

Texworld Paris remains among the leaders for the sourcing of fabrics, components, materials and trimmings for the fashion and clothing sector. It is the must-attend event for international clothing manufacturers. The Fairyland For Fashion flagship event gathers almost 750 exhibitors twice a year who are selected from over 25 countries. On the occasion of its forty-sixth show, Texworld Paris has further increased its emphasis on issues of sustainability, offering special circuits in response to prevailing market trends. This year, a Turkish pavilion will also present the full extent of this country’s offer for fabrics, occupying a floor space of about 500 sqm. This is a first, made possible by the involvement of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, and will again further underline the potential that the Turkish industry offers by way of products, 70% of which are from new professionals with cutting-edge skills. Taiwanese, Korean and Indian manufacturers are holding their own too with some real gems – in particular from Korea, India and of course China – made of materials like cotton, linen, wool or silk.

Texworld Denim Paris is recognised by international buyers for its very broad ranges of textiles and clothing manufacturers specifically for denim, concentrated in one location. This sixth session of the show will host 80 exhibitors in a clearly signed area which will simplify the task for visitors. The burgeoning interest in this trade fair has been demonstrated once again, with an increase in the number of exhibitors and renewed participation by certain key countries such as Turkey and Bangladesh. The show will showcase a range of materials that is gradually shifting away from blue... No doubt a budding international trend, as only The Fairyland for Fashion knows how to bring to light!

Messe Frankfurt France: some key dates
The French representation for Messe Frankfurt in France, initially established in 1921, took definite shape in Paris in 1953. In 2002, when the Texworld trade show was acquired, the Messe Frankfurt France subsidiary was created to organise the show in France, while the French representation remained as an independent body to promote trade fairs organised by the Messe Frankfurt group. Since then, the subsidiary has expanded its portfolio: Apparel Sourcing Paris, Avantex Paris, Leatherworld Paris, Shawls&Scarves Paris, Texworld Denim Paris and, most recently, JET Expo.

The French subsidiary of Messe Frankfurt France is firmly established in the global arena for the fashion industries. It participates directly and actively in fashion design and the fashion industry as a whole, while fulfilling its vital role as a producer of trade events. In 2019, the company’s trade shows brought together around 3000 exhibitors from over 30 countries and almost 30,000 visitors from 130 countries.

The Fairyland for Fashion: where global fashion is made to happen.
Upcoming events organised by Messe Frankfurt France
Apparel Sourcing Paris, Avantex Paris, Leatherworld Paris, Shawls&Scarves Paris, Texworld Paris and Texworld Denim Paris
10-11-12-13 February 2020 in Paris, Le Bourget






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